August Silent Integral Yoga Retreat in Bolinas

08/22/2019 @ 4:30 pm – 08/25/2019 @ 12:30 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
451 Mesa Rd
Bolinas, CA 94924
August Silent Integral Yoga Retreat in Bolinas @ Commonweal | Bolinas | California | United States

The natural beauty of the ocean side, sacred Native American grounds, the timeless wisdom and practices of Integral Yoga, and the power of silence will all serve to create a harmonious environment to undertake the inward journey. The silence, which is observed by all the retreat participants, shields one from external involvement, allowing the mind to go inward and be still. In this stillness, the wisdom of the heart emerges and our True Self comes into flower. The days will consist of Hatha Yoga, workshops, meditations, and evening programs with time for walks, and delicious vegetarian meals.

We have kirtan artist Mirabai Warkulwiz spending the weekend with us leading chanting, Claudia Barstch leading Hatha Yoga classes, and Swami Arivananda leading workshops and meditations. Hope you can join us!

Retreat begins at 5pm on Thursday and ends at 12:30pm on Sunday.