Enjoy my new song, Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu, and tune into my Spotify.
Live Acoustic Folk Music at Grace Cathedral for Yoga on the Labyrinth
with Chris Haugen & Mirabai
This is a donation-based program (suggested $10-$20) led by Christopher Love in the CCC’s sanctuary. Each week will feature yoga practice and meditation, accompanied by live music and chant.
YOGACCC.ORG All ages and levels of experience welcome.

The natural beauty of the ocean side, sacred Native American grounds, the timeless wisdom and practices of Integral Yoga, and the power of silence will all serve to create a harmonious environment to undertake the inward journey. The silence, which is observed by all the retreat participants, shields one from external involvement, allowing the mind to go inward and be still. In this stillness, the wisdom of the heart emerges and our True Self comes into flower. The days will consist of Hatha Yoga, workshops, meditations, and evening programs with time for walks, and delicious vegetarian meals.
We have kirtan artist Mirabai Warkulwiz spending the weekend with us leading chanting, Claudia Barstch leading Hatha Yoga classes, and Swami Arivananda leading workshops and meditations. Hope you can join us!
Retreat begins at 5pm on Thursday and ends at 12:30pm on Sunday.
This is a donation-based program (suggested $10-$20) led by Christopher Love in the CCC’s sanctuary. Each week will feature yoga practice and meditation, accompanied by live music and chant.
YOGACCC.ORG All ages and levels of experience welcome.
Monthly Kirtan with Uma Reed & Mirabai
Thursday, Sept. 19th 7:30-9pm
Open Secret Bookstore, 923 C Street, San Rafael
$20 at the door
A Day in the Heart of the Goddess with Mirabai & Uma Reed
a Kirtan and Yoga Daylong Retreat in honor of Navaratri
Enjoy a day full of outdoor asana, pranayama & chanting
On Sunday, September 29, from 10am-4:30m, Uma and I will offer a daylong yoga, meditation, and devotion retreat. We will once again experience the day in the gorgeous natural surroundings of Paradise Healing Center in Lagunitas, California.
The timing of the retreat is just after the Autumn Equinox, and during the course of the High Holy Days of Judaism, as well as special dates in numerous other traditions. Most notably for us, it is the first day of the Hindu celebration of the Goddess, known as Navaratri, or Durga Puja. Uma and I will mark the beginning of this powerful nine-night festivity with a special daylong observance of “A Day in the Heart of the Goddess.”
In the morning, Mirabai will lead us in a unique cleansing pranayama practice, followed by a strengthening asana session to fortify the body in preparation for the change of seasons, and pull the energy inward as we move into Autumn. In doing so, we honor the various qualities that devotion to Durga engenders, such as strength of will, self-discipline, and keeping balance throughout the ups and downs of life.
In keeping with the celebration of the Goddess in her various forms, Uma will be teaching a very beautiful devotional hymn to Durga, the Protectress who teaches us how to dispel our fears, the shining “Goddess of Pure Power.” We will learn the song in the traditional way that the scriptures are learned in India: learn the words first, the basic translation next, and then an “unfoldment” of the deeper meaning held within the words.
Daylong retreat: $150 by Sept 15, $175 after 9/15
Students bring your own lunch, water & tea are provided.
Please contact Mirabai to register: mirabaiyoga@hotmail.com
Thurs Night Ecstatic Evening of Chanting at Open Secret with Uma & Mirabai:
Thursday, Oct 17th 7:30-9pm
Open Secret Bookstore, 923 C Street, San Rafael
$20 at the door